Saturday, February 6, 2010

More Snow

We have been watching it snow off and on since yesterday morning in South Hill and around Lake Gaston.  I am really itching to post pictures and share with you ~ but my old kodak is out of commission.  I will try to swipe Hannah's for a day or two and see what kinds of things I can post for you.  I may do some cleaning up on my photobucket account and of course preparing my FB profile for induction into the Hall of Fame so you may be seeing some familiar stuff as well.  I'm hoping to venture out to the movies tonight perhaps with my children, depending on what two movies are showing at the little theater in town and weather permitting.  Ben's sister and her family gave our family movie coupons for Christmas.  I'm betting that he'll prefer to stay home  Tough life he has, that one.

In any case, if the weather barrs travel; I will stay home and work on my new blog :) <3